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Cinisello Balsamo, Milano, Italy

Latitude: 45 33' 51"  N

Longitude: 9 13' 13"  E

Sea Level: 159  m

 W e a t h e r   C o n d i t i o n s

C u r r e n t

M i n  /  M a x   T o d a y

 Last Actualization Date and Time 4/12/2024 03:50




 Temperature C 3,3


03:00 3,9 00:40
 Relative Humidity % 89 88 01:15 92 03:10
 Relative Pressure hPa 1018,4 1018 01:50 1018,5 03:00
 Dewpoint C 1,7 1,1 01:55 2,3 00:40
 Wet bulb C 2,6 2 03:00 3,2 00:40
 Windchill C 3,3 2,5 03:00 3,9 00:40
 Wind Speed km/h 0 0 03:50 1,3 01:20
 Wind Direction  NSWE SW - - - -
 Wind Gust km/h 0 0 03:50 2,6 01:20
 Rainfall Rate l/m2/h 0 0 03:50 0 03:50
 Rainfall Previous Hour l/m2 0 0 03:50 0 03:50
 Rainfall Previous 24 Hours l/m2 0 0 03:50 0 03:50
 Rainfall Today l/m2 0 0 03:50 0 03:50
 Actual Weather Cloudy - - - -
 Weather Tendency No Change - - - -
 Indoor Temperature C 18,7 18,7 03:50 20 00:00
 Indoor Relative Humidity % 58 56 01:55 58 03:50

H i s t o r i c a l    C o n d i t i o n s

Min / Max  Current  Month Min / Max  Current  Year
  M.U. Min On Max On


On Max On
 Temperature C -0,4 02/12 06:50 11,6 02/12 14:50 -2,9 22/01 00:00 34,6 13/08 17:05
 Relative Humidity % 55 02/12 14:55 99 02/12 08:15 14 15/09 00:00 100 10/11 09:35
 Relative Pressure hPa 1015,1 03/12 14:45 1030,2 01/12 00:35 990 11/02 00:00 1034,4 25/01 11:40
 Dew Point C -0,8 02/12 06:45 5,2 01/12 16:10 -12,5 22/11 13:55 24,2 13/08 20:30
 Wet Bulb C -0,6 02/12 06:45 8 02/12 13:50 -1,7 21/11 07:40 14458 06/11 14:25
 Wind Chill C -0,8 01/12 08:45 11,6 02/12 14:50 -2,4 22/11 05:50 34,6 13/08 17:05
 Wind Speed km/h 0 04/12 03:50 4,8 03/12 12:50 0 04/12 03:50 22,5 22/11 12:40
 Wind Gust km/h 0 04/12 03:50 7,8 03/12 12:50 0 04/12 03:50 31,5 22/11 12:40
 Rainfall Rate l/m2/h 0 04/12 03:50 0 04/12 03:50 0 04/12 03:50 89,8 05/11 19:20
 Rainfall Previous Hour l/m2 0 04/12 03:50 0,3 02/12 10:55 0 04/12 03:50 21,4 05/11 19:20
 Rainfall Previous 24 Hours l/m2 0 04/12 03:50 0,3 03/12 09:50 0 04/12 03:50 25 06/11 18:15
 Rainfall Day l/m2 0 04/12 03:50 0,3 02/12 23:55 0 04/12 03:50 21,4 05/11 23:55
 Total Rainfall l/m2 - - 0,3 02/12 09:55 - - 8,8 -
 Indoor Temperature C 18,3 01/12 06:40 20,9 02/12 18:10 0 01/01 00:00 28,9 14/08 02:05
 Indoor Relative Humidity C 54 02/12 13:25 59 03/12 17:20 0 01/01 00:00 83 29/10 16:05

 T o d a y  G r a p h s


Relative Humidity Relative Pressure

Dewpoint Wind Speed, Gust, Direction Prevailing Wind Direction

Rainfall Intensity

Rainfall Previous Hour

Rainfall Previous 24 Hours

Temperature Last 4 Hours

Indoor Temperature

Indoor Relative Humidity

 T h i s  M o n t h  G r a p h s


Relative Humidity Relative Pressure
Dewpoint Wind Speed, Gust, Direction Prevailing Wind Direction

Rainfall Intensity

Rainfall Previous Hour

Rainfall Previous 24 Hours

Indoor Temperature

Indoor Relative Humidity

T h i s  Y e a r  G r a p h s
Temperature Relative Humidity Relative Pressure
Dew Point Wind Speed, Gust, Direction Prevailing Wind Direction
Rainfall Previous 24 Hours Indoor Temperature Indoor Relative Humidity

Forecasts Castellanza (automatic)

Forecasts (official)